Still, more implementations fail to achieve lasting results. Part of the challenge is that given the unique needs of HRO market segments and companies, transferring the strategy into new areas is difficult. Culture changes are hard, very hard, and beyond the tools and systems, it is this change that matters more than any capex spend. But it takes time, and it takes commitment.
This commitment secures the resources to achieve the best outcome. It challenges leaders to learn, adopt, adapt and grow (or not). It energizes the staff to engage, persevere, and stretch. This commitment underpins success and without it implementation is much tougher.
So it’s only natural that Leadership Buy-In should be the first step in implementing HRO. Episode 006 discusses a list of key steps that the exec/leadership teams need to address, including:
1 Secure Exec/Leadership Commitment
2 Demonstrate Organizational Commitment
3 Budgets defined and agreed
4 Timeline understood and agreed
5 Communication & Recognition Plans
6 Training Plan for Leadership
7 Support Plan
An outline of this list is available here>>